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Energy is critical to economic and social development. Clean sources of energy are vital for protecting the environment and climate. There is a transformation taking place worldwide in energy supply. The objective is to achieve a significant rise in the proportion of renewable energy sources and to raise energy efficiency.

What’s our objective?
By 2023, we aim to achieve climate neutrality at our headquarters by maximizing energy efficiency and using renewables. In the long term, we also aim to progressively reduce energy consumption at all deuter sites and at our production facilities across the globe.

How do we contribute?

  • Our transportation concept incentivizes co-workers to choose sustainable solutions. For example, we’re planning to switch our vehicle fleet to hybrid or electric. We encourage climate-neutral commuting through various programs and the JobRad offering. We also audit the efficiency of work-related air travel to cut the time required, costs and harm to the environment.
  • Since moving to Gersthofen in 1997, we’ve grown by 800%. Our new building meets the demand for more space. State-of-the-art construction techniques, such as using geothermal energy, large windows, and the efficient positioning of the building, result in solar gain in good weather, allowing us to save heating costs. What’s more, the windows are made of insulated glass to stop the building from cooling down too much. By equal measure, the large glass windows provide plenty of natural light, removing the need for excessive artificial lighting and saving electricity.
  • We also only use green electricity and geothermal energy at our Gersthofen headquarters. For our underfloor heating and cooling systems, we draw on geothermal energy from groundwater to avoid any carbon emissions.
  • The bluesign® standard is the world's strictest standard for environmental protection and consumer protection in the textile industry. In our efforts to minimize the impact of our manufacturing processes on the environment, we’ve applied the bluesign® standard since 2008. It helps us monitor and optimize the consumption of energy, water, raw materials and chemicals in our supply chain.
  • To encourage customers to use our products in an energy-efficient way, we give them practical tips and advice on maintenance and repair.


For more details about the steps we’ve taken: Climate Protection.