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Kosovo, Montenegro, Albania: PEAKS OF THE BALKANS

Recommended by the DAV Summit Club

Distance: 111 km [with Hajla peak 114 km], whole trail 192km
Duration: 12 days
Start: Reka e Allagës, Kosovo
Finish: Prizren, Kosovo
Vertical meters: 1,250 m max.


One of the few cross-country hiking trails and a real hidden treasure for nature lovers and hikers – the mountainous areas of Kosovo, Montenegro and Albania remain virtually untouched. This is an adventurous trek through remote pristine environments.


This long-distance hiking trail passes through the Prokletije Mountains where Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo meet, and therefore through some of the wildest and most remote mountain landscape in the west Balkans. Following shepherd’s tracks and narrow trails the hike works its way up to 2,300 meters above sea level and through breathtakingly varied mountain scenery. From verdant valleys to crystal-clear mountain lakes, waterfalls, rivers and remote picturesque villages where time seems to have stood still. Occasionally, the distant howl of wolves can even be heard.

The three most demanding elements of this trek are: Navigation, which is not always straightforward, long days of around 8 hours’ walking and some days where around 1,000 vertical meters are covered from the valley up. Depending on fitness levels, the trail can be completed in 10 to 13 days and is easy to moderate in terms of difficulty. But it requires suitable mountain gear (e.g. hiking footwear, weatherproof clothing, headlamps, GPS, first aid and cell phone).

The trail was established in 2011 to bring the three countries closer after the war and can be started in either of the 3 countries. It is waymarked and signposted throughout but still requires a good level of navigational skills since it runs through some uninhabited mountain areas and intersects with various shepherd’s trails and other local footpaths signposted in yellow. So it is advisable to hike this route as a group or to employ the services of a hiking guide.

Aside from its natural untouched beauty, this region is also famous for the hospitality and warm welcome of the people. In the mountain villages you’ll come across friendly people and be offered some of their culinary delights. Accommodation ranges from traditional stone farmhouses called ‘kullë’, to mountain huts and bunkhouses where locals serve up homemade local dishes.


Getting there: Fly to Pristina (Kosovo) or Tirana (Albania), then organize transport or take public transport to the start of the trek.

Further Information: www.davsc.de/BAPBT, http://www.peaksofthebalkans.com/, https://www.dav-summit-club.de/

Accommodation & food: Hotels, guest houses, inns, homestays. Food is only available from accommodation suppliers, and these therefore also provide picnic lunches.