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The place where outdoor enthusiasts with a thirst for knowledge and an appetite for adventure come together. People who feel at home in the mountains and want to move through them responsibly and safely.

This digital training platform gives you theoretical knowledge and practical concise tips on key topics like planning a tour, first aid, mountain code of conduct, and food.

From all of us here, including the industry experts and partners we’ve teamed up with to create this, we hope you enjoy your time in Basecamp – and subsequently in the mountains too!

Planning a tour

Planning a tour

Here's what you need to know.

Good planning is half the battle. Especially on tours in nature, where fundamental factors such as season, weather, trail conditions, accommodation, equipment, group composition, your own physical and mental state can have a major influence on the course of the tour, it is essential to systematically prepare tours in advance and to constantly review the planning during the tour.

We offer you basic knowledge and valuable guidelines for planning your tours.

First aid

First aid

How fit are you in first aid?

Whether it's a fall from your bike, a sprained ankle or circulatory arrest: first aid is important in an emergency - often even vital, because every second counts. Especially in the mountains or in nature far away from civilization, you are dependent on your companions.

Don't know exactly what to do in an emergency? We'll give you a refresher course in first aid measures and a valuable guide on what to do in the most common outdoor accidents.



Proper nutrition on tour - everything you need to know about nutrition

A lot can be written about the right nutrition. But little can be said about its importance.

A healthy nutrition not only provides all the nutrients we need to have enough energy for the day, but also a variety of vital substances that help us to stay healthy. Especially when it comes to sport, proper nutrition is not only the basis for fitness and stamina, a balanced nutrition also determines our endurance and performance. Here we give you an insight into the most important nutrition basics. From planning the right foods to creating delicious recipes for different types of sport.

We have teamed up with nutrition expert and outdoor and expedition chef Kieran Creevy for this.

Kieran is an international mountain guide with over 20 years of experience cooking and guiding in many different countries, terrains and climates around the world. He has put together some recipes for us that are simple to prepare and easy to make on the go with just a few ingredients. They are also much healthier and much cheaper than ready meals.

Partner check

Partner check

Partner check can save lives

The partner check is about checking each other and their equipment. According to the motto: two are better than one. The reason for this double check is to avoid careless mistakes that often creep in. Especially when you do things more often and, due to a certain routine, may no longer be quite so attentive. In sport, such carelessness can have serious consequences.

In the following, we'll show you what you should look out for when checking your partner so that you can start your tours safely.

Mountain code of conduct

Mountain code of conduct

Do you know the rules of conduct on the mountain?

For us outdoor sports enthusiasts, the mountains are our favorite playground. They allow us to live out our adventures, test our limits, rediscover our emotional balance and ground ourselves. To ensure that this remains the case for a long time to come and that we can always have positive and enjoyable experiences, there are important recommendations and rules for harmonious coexistence, respectful interaction with nature and animals and safe practice of our activities on the mountain.  

It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to observe these rules of conduct. Do you know the rules? No? Then take a look here, check your knowledge and get inspiration on what else you can do to help preserve this wonderful habitat.

Sustainable travel

Sustainable travel


The Alpine region is a delicate and complex ecosystem that is being severely disrupted by the increase in greenhouse gases and global warming. We are now increasingly feeling the consequences: alpine routes are disappearing, rockfalls, mudslides and avalanches are increasing, alpine glaciers are melting and plant and species diversity is being lost. What can be done? The answer is loud and clear: finally take responsibility for your own actions and change your own behavior. For us outdoor sports enthusiasts, it should be a clear self-image to protect the nature that enables us to experience our adventures with everything we can muster. In addition to the right products, the right behavior and many other areas, this also includes our own mobility behavior.  



Entdecke den Weg zu deinem Traumjob!

Bergführer*in ist ein anspruchsvoller und abwechslungsreicher Beruf voller Verantwortung – und er bietet eine vielversprechende Zukunft. In unserem neuen Basecamp-Beitrag erfährst du alles, was du wissen musst, um diesen faszinierenden Beruf zu ergreifen. Von den notwendigen Skills und Vorbereitungen, über die Anforderungen der Eingangsprüfung bis zu den Details der Bergführer*innen-Ausbildung – wir teilen die wichtigsten Grundprinzipien, Voraussetzungen und Profi-Tipps mit dir. Mach den ersten Schritt zu deinem Traumjob. Der Berg ruft!