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One Earth One Ocean – How we can help protect the environment

One Earth One Ocean – How we can help protect the environment

Garbage strewn woods, plastics in our oceans and increased CO2 emissions place a huge strain on the environment. It’s sad to think that microplastics have now even been found in wildlife. Yet some people still find it acceptable to throw garbage out of their car while driving and don’t give the environment we live in a second thought. And all the while, the climate crisis continues at pace. Now more than ever, it's important for everyone to join forces and work together to protect the environment.

But despite those who pollute the environment, there are also many who are committed to protecting nature. deuter works tirelessly to keep its carbon footprint as small as possible. Alongside its many sustainability projects, deuter has developed a range of bags made from fabric remnants. These individual products vary in terms of the way the fabrics are applied, the surface area that is used and their aesthetics. But all fabrics are rigorously tested for functionality to ensure the end product is of a consistently high standard.

deuter Infiniti Rolltop RucksackSales of the Infiniti series help support the nonprofit organization 1% for the Planet. 1% for the Planet supports businesses and individuals in giving back to the planet in the most impactful way possible by building strategic partnerships that connect funds with causes. By donating 10% of its revenue from the Infiniti series to 1% for the Planet, deuter is delighted to be supporting environmental projects throughout the world.


One Earth – One Ocean Association – for water and coastal protection

Recently, deuter contributed to a project run by the One Earth - One Ocean association (OEOO) with a donation of 2,100 euros. The organization is concerned with environmental protection but in particular with water and coastal protection. Its goal is to develop and implement a concept for ridding waters worldwide of plastic waste, as well as oil and other pollutants. To find out more about OEOO visit One Earth One Ocean - the Association (oneearth-oneocean.com)

The OEOO project that deuter contributed to involved 10 countries, 11 organizations and was spread over 16 different locations. In Africa alone over 9,000 kg of garbage was collected, and 1,400 trees planted. deuter’s contribution of 2,100 euros equates to around 2,100 kg of waste collection.  The money was used to buy gloves, for transportation and the disposal of litter.

Founder and Chairman of OEOO, Günther Bonin, says: “Despite all the conflicts and crises worldwide, the pandemic and the terrible war that’s currently raging in Ukraine, we must not lose sight of climate protection and the challenges we face in the environment. Because we must not only aim for people to live in peace, but also to sustain life and livelihoods on this planet, for us and future generations alike.”


So here are our top 5 tips for protecting the environment:

1.       Where possible buy products with no packaging or no plastic packaging. More and more people are setting up ‘unwrapped’ stores where food etc. is sold without single-use plastic or without any packaging at all.

2.      Turn down the thermostat at home and cut down on hot water.

3.      Do not leave any waste behind in the natural world and if you come across any, take it with you and dispose of it correctly.

4.       Try to cut your CO2 emissions from travel by offsetting (tree planting or solar energy) your emissions to become more climate neutral.  This is how deuter offsets its unavoidable CO2 emissions.

5.       Wear/use products and or clothing for as long as possible instead of replacing them. If they’re damaged have them repaired or see if you can upcycle them!

Hier bekommst du noch mehr Eindrücke vom OEOO Clean-up in Uganda:  

Günther Bonin, Gründer und Vositzender der OEOO betont: “Trotz weltweiter Krisen, der Pandemie und aktuell des schrecklichen Kriegs in der Ukraine dürfen wir den Umwelt- und Klimaschutz niemals aus den Augen verlieren. Wir müssen die Umwelt reinigen und schützen! Denn nicht nur ein friedliches Zusammenleben der Völker der Erde muss unser Ziel sein, sondern auch, unsere Lebensgrundlagen auf der Erde für uns und folgende Generationen zu erhalten.“

Deshalb haben wir jetzt 5 Tipps für dich, wie du mithelfen kannst, unsere Umwelt zu schützen:

  1. Möglichst Plastik-/Verpackungsfrei einkaufen. Immer wieder trifft man in verschiedenen Städten auf Unverpackt-Läden, die ihre Ware (Lebensmittel o.ä.) ohne Verpackungsmüll anbieten.
  2. Heizung runter drehen und weniger warmes Wasser verbrauchen
  3. keinen Müll in der Natur hinterlassen und wenn du welchen siehst, aufheben und wegwerfen
  4. versuche möglichst klimaneutral zu reisen und deinen CO2 Verbrauch zu kompensieren (mit dem Pflanzen von Bäumen oder der Nutzung von Solarenergie) So kompensiert übrigens deuter den CO2 Ausstoß.
  5. Produkte/Kleidung möglichst lange tragen und nicht gleich wegschmeißen. Im Zweifel einfach reparieren lassen oder etwas Neues daraus basteln.