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Packing list for a multi-day ski tour

On the body

+ Ski and snowshoe equipment
+ Functional ski touring pants
+ Functional shirt
+ Functional jacket or vest
+ Hat
+ Light gloves
+ Avalanche transceiver, batteries must be checked before the tour!

+ Backpack


+ probe
+ shovel
+ crampons
+ long change shirt
+ long underpants
+ Ski socks to change into
+ Water and windproof jacket
+ Waterproof and windproof trousers (overtrousers)
+ Thick gloves (change of gloves)
+ Hat or headband
+ Cap or buff
+ SPF 50 sun cream with lip balm
+ Sunglasses / glacier goggles, preferably self-tinting
+ Drinking bag or bladder
+ Thermos flask
+ Minimum 1 liter of liquid (depending on the tour)
+ Electrolyte/magnesium tablets (tubes)
+ Nuts, dried fruit, bars as required
+ First aid kit M
+ bladder pflaster
+ Headache tablets
+ ID, cash, EC card, plastic bag
+ Hut sleeping bag
+ Wash bag (travel shower gel, toothbrush/paste, small functional towel, handkerchiefs, earplugs)
+ headlamp

+ cell phone with emergency numbers


+ ski goggles
+ multitool
+ Repair kit (screwdriver, cable ties, tape etc.)
+ pack sack

+ lunch box

Without mountain guide

+ Snowcard
+ maps
+ tour guide
+ altimeter
+ compass
+ bivouac sack
+ expert tip

+ seat cream


+ snack
+ Sweater / fleece
+ wax (ski tour)
+ gaiters (snowshoe tour)
+ photo and /bag

+ spare batteries

Additional equipment for glacier crossings without a mountain guide

+ Rope: depending on tour 35 / 50 meters
+ Climbing harness
+ Lockable carabiners, 2 pieces
+ Prusik slings: 4m x Ø 6mm, of which 2 pieces
+ webbing sling
+ 2 ice screws
+ ice axe
+ Crampons
+ Depending on the tour: wedges + friends